Remodeling Companies » Wisconsin » Richfield
Remodeling companies in Richfield
Are you one of the 10,892 residents in Richfield looking to refurbish your home? 3,766 homeowners spread out across the 36.41 square miles of Richfield can now use Remodeling Companies to locate their local contractors. Remodeling Companies find for the 289.20 inhabitants per SM of Richfield contractors, designers, roofers and many more service professionals to make their remodeling dream a reality. With 105.00 homeowners per SQM in Richfield already happy with their kitchen islands, steam showers, or hot tubs - use Remodeling Companies to make your dream a reality.
- Bathroom remodeling
- Flooring
- Roofing
- Windows & doors
- Stairs
- Room additions
- Decks
- Sunrooms
- Swimming pools
- Hot tubs
- Fencing
- Landscaping
- Certificate of Occupancy (CO)
- Design / layout / blueprint
- Architecture
- Remodeling materials
Services area covers the following zip codes in Richfield:
Recent Job Requests
- St. Thomas Creations lavatory switch toilet and sink
- Mill's Pride kitchen cabinetry resurfacing
- Peachtree windows remodel
- Gladon swimming pool upgrade interior finish
- Grohe shower head installation
- Alfagres ceramic floors cleaning
- Bergerson window new construction
- Thomasville kitchen cabinetry color and finish
Additional Local Remodelers:
- Top Remodeling
Kitchen remodeling
Bathroom remodeling
Room additions and more...
Phone - Prime Remodeling, Inc.
Kitchen & bathroom remodeling
Update the outdated!
Germantown, Wisconsin
Phone - efficient moving and cleaning services
demolition services
waste removal services
setup services
Phone - Renz Construction
Remodeling lake country
We specialize in all aspects of home
Remodeling, carpentry & construction
Phone - CRC Concrete Raising Corp
Concrete raising & leveling
Void filling & pressure grouting
Phone - Design Cabinets Inc.
Full service remodeling contractor.
Custom & manufactured cabinetry
Counter tops to ceramic tile
Need other contractors services in Richfield?
Plumbers in Richfield | Electricians in Richfield.