Remodeling Companies » Washington » Lakewood
Remodeling companies in Lakewood
Are you one of the 61,122 residents in Lakewood looking to refurbish your home? 25,396 homeowners spread out across the 18.97 square miles of Lakewood can now use Remodeling Companies to locate their local home remodelers. Remodeling Companies find for the 3.00 inhabitants per SM of Lakewood contractors, designers, roofers and many more service professionals to make their remodeling dream a reality. With 1.00 homeowners per SQM in Lakewood already happy with their kitchen islands, steam showers, or hot tubs - use Remodeling Companies to make your dream a reality.
- Green remodeling & energy efficiency
- Certificate of Occupancy (CO)
- Design / layout / blueprint
- Kitchen remodeling
- Stairs
- Sunrooms
- Interior design
- Interior & exterior painting
- Flooring
- Remodeling materials
- Fencing
- Windows & doors
- Plumbing
- Room additions
- Home décor
- Hot tubs
Services area covers the following zip codes in Lakewood:
98439, 98492, 98497, 98498, 98499
Recent Job Requests
- Kronotex laminate flooring gapping correction
- Dynasty Spas jacuzzi repair
- Daltile bath tile design & install
- Albed doors replacement
- Kraus sink installation
- UltraCraft kitchen cabinetry resurfacing
- Premium Panels roofing repair
- Vanier laminate flooring installation
Additional Local Remodelers:
- Top Remodeling
Kitchen remodeling
Bathroom remodeling
Room additions and more...
Phone - Quality Home Repair and Remodel
Kitchen and bathroom total remodels
Hardwood floors, doors & windows, decks,
For quality affordable work call us
Phone - Craig Smith Construction, Inc.
Quality remodeling since 1975
Kitchens, bathrooms, additions, repairs
Professionalism and experience combined.
Phone - Pete Construction
Kitchens & bathrooms & flooring
Additions & new 2nd floors
Phone - Emerald City Interiors
General Contractor
Complete Remodels and Renovations
Design, building, and home improvements.
Need other contractors services in Lakewood?
Plumbers in Lakewood | Electricians in Lakewood.