Remodeling Companies » Pennsylvania » Whitehall
Remodeling companies in Whitehall
Are you one of the 26,141 residents in Whitehall looking to refurbish your home? 10744 homeowners spread out across the 12.79 square miles of Whitehall can now use Remodeling Companies to locate their local home remodelers. Remodeling Companies find for the 1.00 inhabitants per SM of Whitehall contractors, designers, roofers and many more service professionals to make their remodeling dream a reality. With 855.00 homeowners per SQM in Whitehall already happy with their home offices, master bedrooms, entertainment center - use Remodeling Companies to make your dream a reality.
- Kitchen remodeling
- Bathroom remodeling
- Flooring
- Windows & doors
- Stairs
- Interior design
- Decks
- Sunrooms
- Hot tubs
- Fencing
- Landscaping
- Remodeling & construction
- Building permits
- Architecture
- Green remodeling & energy efficiency
- Remodeling materials
Services area covers the following zip codes in Whitehall:
Recent Job Requests
- D.O. Smith showerhead diverter problem
- Dream Line sink replacement
- Black Cove Cabinetry kitchen cabinets refinish existing doors
- Neptune sink replacement
- Evergreen Carriage Doors doors replacement
- Waxman showerhead clogged
- Mullican Flooring harwood flooring filling-up and patching defects
- Rimadesio door repair
Additional Local Remodelers:
- Top Remodeling
Kitchen remodeling
Bathroom remodeling
Room additions and more...
Phone - Lord Contractors Inc.
The fine art of building and renovation
Since 1974
Po box 244 eagleville, pa 19408
Phone - Heilman Construction and Cleaning LLC.
Remodeling contractor
Licensed master plumber
Residential and commercial cleaning
Phone - Pro Painters Plus, LLC
Pro painters plus, llc
400 race street
Perkasie, pa 18944
P.o. box 1116
Brodheadsville, pa 18322
Phone - Frank Toth Jr. Plumbing & Heating Inc.
Total plumbing system assessments
Repairs and replacements
Water quality tests ph & hardness
Phone - Steinberg Plumbing LLC
Plumbing and drain cleaning
Reliable and professional services
24 hour emergency service
Need other contractors services in Whitehall?
Plumbers in Whitehall | Electricians in Whitehall.