Remodeling Companies » Michigan » Ann Arbor
Remodeling companies in Ann Arbor
Italian kitchens, master bathrooms, or sunroom additions and many more remodeling projects are taking place throughout the 47,218 homes across the 27.68 square miles of Ann Arbor. 1.00 homeowners per SQM of Ann Arbor are renovating their homes every two to three years. 4.00 inhabitants per SM of the city are finding their contractors, designers, roofers and many other service professionals in Ann Arbor through Remodeling Companies. If you are one of the 119,725 inhabitants of Ann Arbor seeking professional home remodelers avail of the free service offered by Remodeling Companies.
- Kitchen remodeling
- Bathroom remodeling
- Flooring
- Roofing
- Windows & doors
- Stairs
- Plumbing
- Sunrooms
- Hot tubs
- Landscaping
- Certificate of Occupancy (CO)
- Building permits
- Architecture
- Professional consultations
- Green remodeling & energy efficiency
- Remodeling materials
Services area covers the following zip codes in Ann Arbor:
48103, 48104, 48105, 48106, 48107, 48108, 48109, 48113
Recent Job Requests
- Yorktowne kitchen cabinetry resurfacing
- Quality kitchen cabinets color and finish
- Solar Innovations windows retrofit
- Eljer toilet locate away from door
- American Marazzi Tile ceramic tile floors cleaning
- Guardian Fence gates to close pool area
- Opella shower head arm connection leaks
- Premier Copper Products basin repair
Additional Local Remodelers:
- Top Remodeling
Kitchen remodeling
Bathroom remodeling
Room additions and more...
Phone - Robert R. Jones Homes
Our construction and design expertise
Will help make your remodeling project
A success.
Phone - Morse Moving & Storage
Moving & storage
We move and store your items while you
Have your house remodeled
Phone -
Home services referral network
Local contractor referral
Homeowners referral
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Plumbers in Ann Arbor | Electricians in Ann Arbor.