Remodeling Companies » Florida » Clearwater
Remodeling companies in Clearwater
Are you one of the 114,226 residents in Clearwater looking to renew your home? 56,802 homeowners spread out across the 37.72 square miles of Clearwater can now use Remodeling Companies to locate their local home remodelers. Remodeling Companies find for the 4.00 inhabitants per SM of Clearwater contractors, designers, roofers and many more service professionals to make their remodeling dream a reality. With 2.00 homeowners per SQM in Clearwater already happy with their kitchen islands, steam showers, or hot tubs - use Remodeling Companies to make your dream a reality.
- Remodeling & construction
- Architecture
- Flooring
- Plumbing
- Kitchen remodeling
- Stairs
- Building permits
- Fencing
- Decks
- Green remodeling & energy efficiency
- Swimming pools
- Home décor
- Landscaping
- Professional consultations
- Interior & exterior painting
- Design / layout / blueprint
Services area covers the following zip codes in Clearwater:
33755, 33756, 33757, 33758, 33759, 33760, 33761, 33762, 33763, 33764, 33765, 33766, 33769
Recent Job Requests
- Mohawk ceramic floors replacement
- Symmons showerhead leaking
- Trio Design Glassware door replacement
- Mid Continent kitchen cabinets resurfacing
- Avanity sink replace & install
- Robern sink repair
- Chicago Faucets showerhead clogged
- Fenestra America door replacement
Additional Local Remodelers:
- Top Remodeling
Kitchen remodeling
Bathroom remodeling
Room additions and more...
Phone - Specialty Pool Services
Commercial & residential
Monthly / weekly service
All pool & spa repairs, licensed/insured
Phone - Chuck's Plumbing LLC
Plumbing, drain cleaning, water heaters
Domestic solar water heatering
Water softening, iron filters.
Phone - North Trinity Self Storage
4234 little rd
All a/c storage!
State of the art security!
Need other contractors services in Clearwater?
Plumbers in Clearwater | Electricians in Clearwater.